Angkor, Part 1: Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat: a reason to travel to the other side of the world.

The only photos that capture this size of this thing are those taken from helicopters, and then you can't get a sense of scale. This image looks east from the western Gateway. The structure on the near left is the North Library.
The Khmer empire used its massive wealth during the Angkor period to build a series of great temples and other public works at their capital north of the Tonle Sap lake. Many of these structures still stand a thousand years later, the largest and most famous of

I'll try and leave most of the factual information to the Wikipedia link at the top of this post and focus on impressions, although it's very difficult to put into words.
Amy and I arrived in Siem Reap on the night of the 11th and settled into a hotel. By chance, we ran into our friend Verena, whom we had met on the boat ride up the Mekong, and ate dinner with her. For the first of our three days exploring the temples, we chose to rent bicycles and ride to the park, about five kilometers (3 miles) away. A bit of bad navigation sent us far off course and turned the thirty minute ride into about an hour and a half... in midday sun. Doh! The land is quite flat, though, and the roads were excellent. When we realized our mistake we finally approached Angkor Wat from the east. We first saw what appeared to be a broad river with a tree lined shore opposite. We turned left and followed this south for half a mile until the "river" made an abrupt right angle turn to the west, making me realize that this was the moat that surrounds the temple.

Taken from the southwest corner of the moat, looking north. In the distance you can just make out the causeway.
This navigation error meant that we approached the temple from the rear, and rode around the moat clockwise until we reached the main entrance at the west. Wow is it big.

What this map calls "the city" would have been where the palaces, administrative offices and such of the kingdom were found. According to Khmer custom, though, people lived and worked in structures of wood, while only the gods deserved structures of stone. Thus, the temple is all that remains.

Angkor Wat is very difficult to describe adequately- just thinking about it is frustrating. It's big, graceful, serene, serious, and yet also relaxed and unintimidating (except for the climbing!). If you can, see it before you die. Amy and I returned to Angkor Wat each day for a little bit, in an effort to make it stick in our brains a little better, or to appreciate it on some level beyond that first moment of dumbstruck awe. I don't know if I succeeded. I get the impression you could live next to it and still have that same feeling each time you set foot in the place.
For lunch we had the fish of the Tonle Sap lake cooked in a small hill of lemongrass. Incredible.
Next up, we walked north into the park to the next large monument, the walled city of Angkor Thom ("Great City"). There's a moat of sorts surrounding the wall, and lining the causeway over the moat we met these fellas. These statues are ten feet tall,

Once through the gates of the city, we proceeded north up the long road towards the Bayon, the temple at its center. In

After saying goodbye to our hirsute cousins, we continued north to the Bayon. Nothing was going to be as impressively huge as Angkor Wat, but the Bayon does have some bas relief carvings that would be spectacular even if they weren't a thousand years old. This is one of the structures currently under renovation (more than half of the places we saw had some international team or other crawling over them), and you can see a bit of the scaffolding in this view of the southern face:

The Bayon's north face has these supercool, enormous faces, their eyes closed in meditative expressions:

At this point Amy encountered a unique language problem. Immediately behind the Bayon is another temple called Baupon (pronounced BOW-fohn), and while walking up to it, she found herself in need of the bathroom. She walked around this considerable edifice without luck, for as she asked each local "Where's the bathroom?" they would point towards the center of the structure, thinking that this foreigner with the strange accent didn't realize she was already at the "BAF-foohm". Eventually we hired a driver to take us back to where our bicycles were parked (it was the end of the day anyway, and we were exhausted), where we found one of the excellent public bathrooms. I concluded that it could have been much worse: she might have needed an emergency room

Once on our bikes we started riding back towards Siem Reap, pedaling hard in high spirits from all the awesomely awesome awesomeness we had beheld. I even threw caution to the wind by holding my camera out over my shoulder to capture smiling Amy on her bike.
Next: the quiet majesty of Banteay Serai and the secret of Ta Prohm.
*I've heard there are multiple versions of this story, so my apologies in advance if these aren't the details you know or read.
Wow you posted really cool pictures! It's always interesting to me that almost anyone can have amazing pictures while in Cambodia. The whole place is so photogenic.
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